Storage Advisor

Storage advice, plain and simple.

Packaging and storage

Use the correct packing materials when  packing your things for storage.Packaging and storage brings with it the benefit of extra space, but what about the protection of your valuables? Often we outgrow things or they stop being popular, and sometimes our families grow and we need that extra room, but the sentimental side of us would like to see them come back in fashion or maybe we would like to pass them on to a later generation.

Storage is an ideal solution to this situation, but when we pack and move our belongings we would like to be assured that they are going to be safe. Choosing the correct packaging can go along way to ensuring this.

Proper packaging and packaging materials will extend the life of an item in storage:

  • Ensure that your goods are cleaned and free of dust and any debris before packaging
  • Select the correct packaging material:
    • Bubble wrap for fragile items
    • Clear sturdy plastic wrap for books
    • Tissue paper for delicate clothing items and certain shoes, also for crockery to prevent scratching on surfaces
    • Match the size of box to the type of item you are packing, heavier items should go into smaller boxes to prevent larger boxes becoming too heavy and possibly tearing.

    Print the inventory sheets and the list/label for your boxes by clicking here.

Packing your boxes into a self storage unit

  • Pack larger and heavier boxes at the bottom of the pile
  • If you plan to visit your storage unit regularly for a certain item/items pack them together or keep the individual boxes close to the front of the unit.
  • Remember to leave yourself room to move.
  • If the storage unit door is facing outside, put cardboard or lay some pallets on the floor to help avoid moisture damage. A good example of why proper packaging materials are necessary. (Keeping items off the floor is a good idea anyway)
  • Label all your boxes and keep an inventory of all the boxes. (Remember to update your inventory).

Before you pack your lifes' belongings away, you should first ask yourself a few questions

  • Do I need this item or will someone else benefit more from me passing it on rather than placing it in storage?
  • What is the likelihood that I will ever take this item from storage for use again?
  • If it is a collection of books; Will I ever read them again? Will any of the younger generation be interested when they are of a similar age?
  • Would I benefit more from a sale of these items than putting them in storage? (Think garage sale, or collectors fair)
  • If the goods are in a storage facility for an indefinite period, will they still be in good enough condition to continue using or resell.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of keeping and storing an item.

Read an interesting self storage blog